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A Selection of Twentieth Century American Art

December 10, 1989 – March 25, 1990

Press Release

Artists included in the exhibition: Alexander Archipenko, Thomas Hart Benton, Eugene Berman, Oscar Bluemner, Byron Browne, Audrey Buller, Clarence Carter, Max Arthur Cohen, Konrad Cramer, Julio De Diego, Arthur Dove, John Graham, Dwinell Grant, James Guy, Marsden Hartley, Hans Hofmann, Gerome Kamrowski, Rockwell Kent, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Blanche Lazzell, Boris Margo, Paul Meltsner, Irene Rice Pereira, Winold Reiss, Attilio Salemme, Louis Schanker, Wiliam Schwartz, Charles Seliger, Behn Shahn, Charles Sheeler, Raphael Soyer, Grace Swank, George Tooker, Joseph Vogel, John von Wicht, and Vaclav Vytlacil

This is the innagural exhibition of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery. Mr. Rosenfeld worked for several years as a private dealer and as a consultant for private collectors, museums, and corporations before opening his gallery to the public.

Michael Rosenfeld Gallery specializes in twentieth-century American art with an emphasis on art produced between the wars, spanning modernism to realism. Represented in this exhibition are fine examples by major artists, as well as excellent works by some of the overlooked artists of the era.