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Betye Saar (b.1926)
Kay Sage (1898-1963)
Lucas Samaras (b.1936)
Paul Sample (1896-1974)
Augusta Savage (1892-1962)
Rolph Scarlett (1889-1984)
Louis Schanker (1903-1981)
Viktor Schreckengost (1906 - 2008)
Georges L. Schreiber (1904-1977)
William Schwartz (1896-1977)
William Edouard Scott (1884-1964)
Charles Sebree (1914-1985)
Emory P. Seidel (1881-1954)
Charles Seliger (1926-2009)
Kurt Seligmann (1890-1962)
Rudolph Seno (1929-1997)
Ben Shahn (1898-1969)
Charles G. Shaw (1892-1974)
Everett Shinn (1876-1953)
Esphyr Slobodkina (1908-2002)
Albert Alexander Smith (1896-1940)
Leon Polk Smith (1906-1996)
Tony Smith (1912-1980)
Kenneth Snelson (1927-2016)
William Sommer (1867-1949)
Raphael Soyer (1899-1987)
Theodoros Stamos (1922-1997)
Richard Stankiewicz (1922-1983)
Joseph Stella (1877-1946)
Louis Stone (1902-1984)
Arthur Szyk (1894-1951)
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937)
Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012)
Lenore Tawney (1907-2007)
Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957)
Alma Thomas (1891-1978)
Bob Thompson (1937-1966)
Mark Tobey (1890-1976)
Bradley Walker Tomlin (1899-1953)
George Tooker (1920-2011)
Bill Traylor (c.1853-1949)
Jack Tworkov (1900-1982)
Laurence Vail (1891-1968)
James VanDerZee (1886-1983)
Robert Vickrey (1926-2011)
Esteban Vicente (1903-2001)
Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983)
Peter Voulkos (1924-2002)
Vaclav Vytlacil (1892-1984)
Stuart Walker (1904-1940)
Abraham Walkowitz (1880-1965)
Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Laura Wheeler Waring (1887-1948)
Max Weber (1881-1961)
Charles White (1918-1979)
Jack Whitten (1939-2018)
John Wilde (1919-2006)
William T. Williams (b.1942)
Ellis Wilson (1899-1977)
John Wilson (b.1922)
Beatrice Wood (1893-1998)
Hale Woodruff (1900-1980)
Jean Xceron (1890-1967)
Claire Zeisler (1903-1991)
Marguerite Zorach (1887-1968)
William Zorach (1887-1966)
Betye Saar (b.1926)
Kay Sage (1898-1963)
Lucas Samaras (b.1936)
Paul Sample (1896-1974)
Augusta Savage (1892-1962)
Rolph Scarlett (1889-1984)
Louis Schanker (1903-1981)
Viktor Schreckengost (1906 - 2008)
Georges L. Schreiber (1904-1977)
William Schwartz (1896-1977)
William Edouard Scott (1884-1964)
Charles Sebree (1914-1985)
Emory P. Seidel (1881-1954)
Charles Seliger (1926-2009)
Kurt Seligmann (1890-1962)
Rudolph Seno (1929-1997)
Ben Shahn (1898-1969)
Charles G. Shaw (1892-1974)
Everett Shinn (1876-1953)
Esphyr Slobodkina (1908-2002)
Albert Alexander Smith (1896-1940)
Leon Polk Smith (1906-1996)
Tony Smith (1912-1980)
Kenneth Snelson (1927-2016)
William Sommer (1867-1949)
Raphael Soyer (1899-1987)
Theodoros Stamos (1922-1997)
Richard Stankiewicz (1922-1983)
Joseph Stella (1877-1946)
Louis Stone (1902-1984)
Arthur Szyk (1894-1951)
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937)
Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012)
Lenore Tawney (1907-2007)
Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957)
Alma Thomas (1891-1978)
Bob Thompson (1937-1966)
Mark Tobey (1890-1976)
Bradley Walker Tomlin (1899-1953)
George Tooker (1920-2011)
Bill Traylor (c.1853-1949)
Jack Tworkov (1900-1982)
Laurence Vail (1891-1968)
James VanDerZee (1886-1983)
Robert Vickrey (1926-2011)
Esteban Vicente (1903-2001)
Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983)
Peter Voulkos (1924-2002)
Vaclav Vytlacil (1892-1984)
Stuart Walker (1904-1940)
Abraham Walkowitz (1880-1965)
Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Laura Wheeler Waring (1887-1948)
Max Weber (1881-1961)
Charles White (1918-1979)
Jack Whitten (1939-2018)
John Wilde (1919-2006)
William T. Williams (b.1942)
Ellis Wilson (1899-1977)
John Wilson (b.1922)
Beatrice Wood (1893-1998)
Hale Woodruff (1900-1980)
Jean Xceron (1890-1967)
Claire Zeisler (1903-1991)
Marguerite Zorach (1887-1968)
William Zorach (1887-1966)
Betye Saar (b.1926)
Kay Sage (1898-1963)
Lucas Samaras (b.1936)
Paul Sample (1896-1974)
Augusta Savage (1892-1962)
Rolph Scarlett (1889-1984)
Louis Schanker (1903-1981)
Viktor Schreckengost (1906 - 2008)
Georges L. Schreiber (1904-1977)
William Schwartz (1896-1977)
William Edouard Scott (1884-1964)
Charles Sebree (1914-1985)
Emory P. Seidel (1881-1954)
Charles Seliger (1926-2009)
Kurt Seligmann (1890-1962)
Rudolph Seno (1929-1997)
Ben Shahn (1898-1969)
Charles G. Shaw (1892-1974)
Everett Shinn (1876-1953)
Esphyr Slobodkina (1908-2002)
Albert Alexander Smith (1896-1940)
Leon Polk Smith (1906-1996)
Tony Smith (1912-1980)
Kenneth Snelson (1927-2016)
William Sommer (1867-1949)
Raphael Soyer (1899-1987)
Theodoros Stamos (1922-1997)
Richard Stankiewicz (1922-1983)
Joseph Stella (1877-1946)
Louis Stone (1902-1984)
Arthur Szyk (1894-1951)
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937)
Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012)
Lenore Tawney (1907-2007)
Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957)
Alma Thomas (1891-1978)
Bob Thompson (1937-1966)
Mark Tobey (1890-1976)
Bradley Walker Tomlin (1899-1953)
George Tooker (1920-2011)
Bill Traylor (c.1853-1949)
Jack Tworkov (1900-1982)
Laurence Vail (1891-1968)
James VanDerZee (1886-1983)
Robert Vickrey (1926-2011)
Esteban Vicente (1903-2001)
Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983)
Peter Voulkos (1924-2002)
Vaclav Vytlacil (1892-1984)
Stuart Walker (1904-1940)
Abraham Walkowitz (1880-1965)
Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Laura Wheeler Waring (1887-1948)
Max Weber (1881-1961)
Charles White (1918-1979)
Jack Whitten (1939-2018)
John Wilde (1919-2006)
William T. Williams (b.1942)
Ellis Wilson (1899-1977)
John Wilson (b.1922)
Beatrice Wood (1893-1998)
Hale Woodruff (1900-1980)
Jean Xceron (1890-1967)
Claire Zeisler (1903-1991)
Marguerite Zorach (1887-1968)
William Zorach (1887-1966)